Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Why is the ceiling paint in my bathroom peeling off?

It is bubbling, and when scraped, peels off in small sheets. Mostly around the edges at the walls.Why is the ceiling paint in my bathroom peeling off?
its because of the humidityWhy is the ceiling paint in my bathroom peeling off?
Bathrooms usually need a special paint designed for humid environments. It's probably not the right paint for a moist environment.
Humidity, and lack of a good primer.
Yep, it's caused by humid conditions. Do you have an exhaust fan in the bathroom? Do you use it? Probably, the last time ceiling was painted it was painted over a less than dry ceiling. Like stated before most baths need bathroom high humidy paint and a specialized primer. I like Bengimen Moore Fresh Start primer for problem ceilings and Zinnzer makes a special white for bathrooms.
too much moisture. Do you have a working vent fan in your bathroom? If you're not using it, the moisture from the steam coming from your bath or shower will gather around the ceiling and damage it. Check the vent fan to make sure it works and check to make sure the ouside vent is not plugged and that the flapper (if it has one)at the outside vent opens and closes properly when the fan is turned on. Also, its a good idea to use a moisture resistant paint in a wet area like your bathroom as well as a good moisture and mold resistant primer like Kilz. Finally, just make sure everyone in your family is using the vent fan every time they take a bath or shower.
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